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Ini Dia Panduan Lengkap quest Mission Board Ragnarok M Semua Level

Panduan Quest Mission Board lengkap di Ragnarok M

Dalam game Ragnarok M Eternal Love, Quest Mission board bisa dikerjakan setiap hari, tentunya dengan limit tertentu. Panduan Quest Mission Board ini dibuat agar sobat mobileague mengetahui apa saja sih tugas yang ada di Quest Mission Board Ragnarok M ETernal Love ini.

Terdapat beberapa pembagian Quest Mission Board berdasarkan level karakter yang kalian miliki.

  • Level Range 1-25
  • Level Range 26-35
  • Level Range 36-45
  • Level Range 46-55
  • Level Range 56-75
  • Level Range 76-85
  • Level Range 86-90
  • Level Range 90-100
  • Level Range 101-110

Panduan Quest Mission Board Level Range 1 ~ 25

Name Task
Active Willows Kill 25 Willow
Chon Chon Terminating Plan Kill 25 Chon Chon
Collect Crystals Collect 5 Jellopys
Collect Feather Collect 5 Feathers
Collect Iron Collect 1 Iron
Collect Rotten Bandage Collect 5 Rotten Bandages
Destroy Rhesus Yoyo Kill 25 Yoyo
Fighters among Cockroaches Kill 25 Thief Bug Male
Get Rid of Rocker Kill 25 Rocker
Guard’s Greatest Enemy Kill 25 Thief Bug
Human’s Enemy Kill 25 Tarou
Landscape Graphics Take a photo
Legend of Mummy Kill 25 Familiar
Monkey General Release Yoyos at the west gate
Spore Dancer Kill 25 Spore
Undead Cockroach Kill 25 Thief Bug Female

Panduan Quest Mission Board Level Range 26 ~ 35

Name Task
A Lively Phen Kill 25 Phen
A Mocked Spore Kill 25 Poison Spore
Break the Skeleton Kill 25 Pirate Skeleton
Collect Coal Collect 2 Coals
Collect Crystals Collect 5 Jellopys
Collect Feather Collect 5 Feathers
Collect Iron Collect 1 Iron
Collect Memento Collect 5 Mementos
Collect Rotten Bandage Collect 5 Rotten Bandages
Collect Steel Collect 1 Steel
Fish on Land Release the Phen from the Sunk Ship
Get Rid of Marina Kill 25 Marina
Greedy Wolves Kill 25 Wolf
Hydra Raid Kill 25 Hydra
Landscape Graphics Take a photo
Magic Flower Mandragora Kill 25 Mandragora
Noisy Frog Kill 25 Roda Frog
Pirate Skeletons’ Feast Kill 25 Pirate Skeleton
Purify Water Source Kill 25 Thara Frog
The Arrogant Vadon Kill 25 Vadon
The Trick of Bones Kill 25 Skeleton
Underwater Temple Take a photo of Remains – Deep Sea Temple

Panduan Quest Mission Board Level Range 36 ~ 45

Name Task
A hard-working Hornet Release the Hornet from Mjolnir Mountains
Clear Deniros Kill 25 Deniro
Clear Goblins Eliminate 30 Goblins
Collect Butterfly Wing Collect 20 Butterfly Wing
Collect Centipede Venom Collect 20 Centipede Venom
Collect Coal Collect 1 Coal
Collect Drainliar’s Teeth Collect 20 Drainliar’s Teeth
Collect Garlet Collect 5 Garlets
Collect Memento Collect 5 Mementos
Collect Memento Collect 10 Mementos
Collect Rotten Bandage Collect 5 Rotten Bandages
Collect Sticky Mucus Collect 5 Sticky Mucus
Crazy Hornet Kill 25 Hornet
Dirty Bandage Collect 10 Rotten Bandages
Generous Returns Kill 25 Marc
Giant Centipedes Kill 25 Argiope
Goblin Archer Kill 25 Goblin Archer
Goblin Destruction Group! Eliminate 25 Goblins
Human Eating Flowers Kill 25 Flora
Landscape Graphics Take a photo of Siren’s Courtyard
Landscape Graphics Take a photo of Remains – Tree of the Sea
Landscape Graphics Take a picture of Magic Fountain
Looters of the Coal Mine Kill 25 Steam Goblin
Love Crystal Collect 10 Jellopys
Menblatt Kill 25 Menblatt
Soft Fur Collect 10 Feathers
Something Sticky Collect 10 Sticky Mucus
Steam Goblin Kill 25 Steam Goblin
Violent Obeaunes Kill 25 Obeaune


Untuk Level 46 keatas Panduan Quest Mission Board bisa dilihat di halaman berikutnya ya, klik halaman ke dua

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